So far in this year’s Retro Challenge I’ve designed and built my own Rotary Encoder Module for the RC2014 computer. I’ve also worked out how to control an LCD screen from Z80 assembly language. I now want to combine the two and use the rotary encoder to scroll text on the LCD screen.
I’m building this on the RC2014 Classic 2, so I don’t have access to a file system. I will have to hardcode the text into the program.
I’ve chosen to use the classic hacker song, Puff The Fractal Dragon.
The LCD screen is 20 characters wide, so I will make things easy for myself and ensure every line is 20 characters long. I will pad shorter lines with spaces if necessary.
I’m going to need a pointer to store my current position in the text. I’m calling this puffpointer. I also need to know the start of the text, I’m calling this puff. I’ll also need to know 4 lines before the end of the text. I’m calling this maxpuff. This is calculated in the assembler as the end of the text – 80. The 80 is 4 lines * 20 characters.
I’m using the right turn to scroll down the text, and the left turn to scroll back to the top.
In the right turn I need see if I’m at the end of the text or not. I need to compare puffpointer to maxpuff to see if they match. If they do, I’m at the button so I don’t want to go any further.
The Z80 doesn’t allow us to directly compare 16bit values, so we have to do a bit of a workaround. We can instead clear the a register, then load the values we want to compare into de and hl register pairs. We can then subtract de from hl, and add de back to hl. If they are the same value the Z flag will be set so can test this. In this case, if Z is set we don’t want to do anything else so we can jump back to the main program loop.
or a
ld de,maxpuff
ld hl,(puffpointer)
sbc hl, de
add hl, de
jp z,loop
So if we are get past this point, we are safe to scroll down. We load the pointer to the current line in the text and add 20 to it. This moves us down a line. We then save it, and call our display routine.
ld hl,(puffpointer)
ld bc,20
add hl,bc
ld (puffpointer),hl
call show_four_lines
When turning left do a very similar procedure, except we check if puffpointer is at the start of the text. If it isn’t we subtract 20 from puffpointer.
Our final code looks like this.
OUTPUT LCDScroll.z80
ORG $9000
; The input bits from the rotary encoder.
CLK1 EQU %00000001
DT1 EQU %00000010
SW1 EQU %00000100
; show the inital first 4 lines on the LCD.
call setup_LCD
ld hl,(puffpointer) ; the address of the text
call show_four_lines
; load the last clk value into register b
ld a,(lastclk)
ld b,a
; read the input port and store in "input"
ld (input),a
; now check if the switch on first rotary encoder has been
; pressed. If it has jump to end
and SW1
cp SW1
jr z, end
; now see if clk1 matches the lastclk. If it does loop
ld a,(input)
and CLK1
ld (lastclk),a
cp b
jr z, loop
; now work out what direction we are moving.
; if CLK1 is 1 then we can can check DT1 to get the
; direction of rotation. If it's 0, we need to go
; back to the start of the loop.
ld a,(input)
and CLK1
cp CLK1
jr nz, loop
; this is where we check DT1. If 1 we are turning left.
ld a, (input)
and DT1
cp 0
jr nz, left
; we must be turning right, so we need to advance
; our text. We see if we are at the maximum, and
; if not we advance a line and display.
or a
ld de,maxpuff
ld hl,(puffpointer)
sbc hl, de
add hl, de
jp z,loop
ld hl,(puffpointer)
ld bc,20
add hl,bc
ld (puffpointer),hl
call show_four_lines
jr loop
; we must be turning left, so we need to go
; back. We see if we are at the start of the
; text and if not we go back a line and display.
or a
ld de,puff
ld hl,(puffpointer)
sbc hl, de
add hl, de
jp z,loop
ld hl,(puffpointer)
ld bc,20
sub hl,bc
ld (puffpointer),hl
call show_four_lines
jp loop
; the switch has been pressed, so we clear the output
; and exit.
call clear_screen
; Sends a command byte to the LCD.
; A - Command in
; A, C registers used.
out (LCD_R),a
in a,(LCD_R)
jr c,.lcd_busy
; Sends a data byte to the LCD
; A - Byte in
; A, C registers used.
out (LCD_D),a
in a,(LCD_R)
jr c,.lcd_busy
; setup the LCD screen
ld a,56 ; Function 8 bit, 2 lines, 5x8 dot font
call send_command
ld a,12 ; Display on, cursor off, no blink
call send_command
call clear_screen
; clear the LCD screen
ld a,1 ; clear the display
call send_command
; Display 4 lines of consecutive text on the LCD
; lines are shown 1-20,41-60,21-40,61-80 so we
; need to jump around to display in order.
; HL - address of text to display on the LCD
; A, B, C, D, E, H, L registers used.
; show the first 20 lines
ld b,20
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
call send_data
djnz .line1loop
; jump forward 20 characters, and show
ld de,20
add hl,de
ld b,20
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
call send_data
djnz .line2loop
; jump back 40 characters, and show
ld de,40
sub hl,de
ld b,20
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
call send_data
djnz .line3loop
; jump forward 20 characters, and show
ld de,20
add hl,de
ld b,20
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
call send_data
djnz .line4loop
; stores the current input from the rotary encode.
db 0
; stores the last value of CLK1.
db 0
; stores a pointer to our current position in the text.
dw puff
; the text to show, each line must be 20 bytes long.
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
db " "
db "No plain fanfold "
db "paper could hold "
db "that fractal Puff "
db " "
db "He grew so fast no "
db "plotting pack could "
db "shrink him far "
db "enough. "
db "Compiles and "
db "simulations grew so "
db "quickly tame "
db "And swapped out all "
db "their data space "
db "when Puff pushed "
db "his stack frame. "
db " "
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
db " "
db "Puff, he grew so "
db "quickly, while "
db "others moved like "
db "snails "
db "And mini-Puffs "
db "would perch "
db "themselves on his "
db "gigantic tail. "
db "All the student "
db "hackers loved that "
db "fractal Puff "
db "But DCS did not "
db "like Puff, and "
db "finally said, "
db "\"Enough!\" "
db " "
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
db " "
db "Puff used more "
db "resources than DCS "
db "could spare. "
db "The operator killed "
db "Puff's job -- he "
db "didn't seem to care."
db "A gloom fell on the "
db "hackers; it seemed "
db "to be the end, "
db "But Puff trapped "
db "the exception, and "
db "grew from naught "
db "again! "
db " "
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
db "Puff the fractal "
db "dragon was written "
db "in C, "
db "And frolicked while "
db "processes switched "
db "in mainframe memory."
maxpuff EQU puffend - 80
Here’s a video of the rotary encoder in action scrolling through the text of Puff The Fractal Dragon.