We’ve been installing Movable Type as a blogging solution at work for various sites recently.
We’d been using Typepad, the hosted version of Movable Type for a while, but wanted some extra flexibility and functionality.
One problem we came across was the lack of support for Nokia Lifeblog on Movable Type, compared to Typepad.
Thankfully Martin Higham has worked on this in the past, and even used my old notes on the Nokia Lifeblog Posting Protocol.
However, the current version of Movable Type is 3.3, and Martin’s work only extends to 3.2.
I took Martin’s code, which modifies AtomServer.pm
and modified it so it works on Movable Type 3.3. You can download my Nokia Lifeblog compatible AtomServer.pm for Movable Type 3.3 here.
Make sure you follow Martin’s instructions for Movable Type 3.2 as the method is exactly the same and the same caveats apply (namely, this could well break other Atom tools that use your blog as it has to disable some WSSE authentication).
I hope you find it useful!
UPDATE: 22nd November 2006
With version 2.0 of Lifeblog and web upload functionality from Nokia phones, the authentication method has changed slightly. A new version of AtomServer.pm that works with Lifeblog 2.0 is now available.
UPDATE: 26th June 2007
Neils Berkers has been in touch to say he’s adapted the script so it now works with Movable Type 3.35, Lifeblogging Fixed.