Small 128×64 OLED i2c displays can picked up for just over £3 on Amazon, and they are great for interfacing with a NodeMCU IoT device.
Wiring is simple…
- NodeMCU 3.3v – OLED VCC
- NodeMCU D2 – OLED SCL or SCK
Your NodeMCU firmware must have been compiled with the i2c and u8g modules included. If you need to add these, see my previous post – NodeMCU Lua setup using a Mac. It also explains how to upload the example Lua code below.
The u8g module comes with some great examples. I’ve taken some of the relevant parts for a simple two page Lua script that prints out two alternating screens of text.
sda = 1 -- SDA Pin scl = 2 -- SCL Pin function init_display(sda,scl) --Set up the u8glib lib sla = 0x3C i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW) disp = u8g.ssd1306_128x64_i2c(sla) disp:setFont(u8g.font_6x10) disp:setFontRefHeightExtendedText() disp:setDefaultForegroundColor() disp:setFontPosTop() end function updateDisplay(func) -- Draws one page and schedules the next page, if there is one local function drawPages() func() if (disp:nextPage() == true) then end end -- Restart the draw loop and start drawing pages disp:firstPage() end function drawScreen1() disp:drawFrame(2,2,126,62) disp:drawFrame(5,5,121,57) disp:drawStr(5, 20, "") disp:drawStr(5, 35, " @robertprice") end function drawScreen2() disp:drawFrame(2,2,126,62) disp:drawFrame(5,5,121,57) disp:drawStr(5, 20, " NodeMCU OLED Test") disp:drawStr(5, 35, " 12th July 2017") end local drawDemo = { drawScreen1, drawScreen2 } function demoLoop() -- Start the draw loop with one of the demo functions local f = table.remove(drawDemo,1) updateDisplay(f) table.insert(drawDemo,f) end init_display(sda,scl) demoLoop() tmr.alarm(4, 5000, 1, demoLoop)
This may look a bit complex for just displaying text, but it aims to be reusable. We use the tmr.alarm to avoid bogging the CPU down in a loop.
I’ve tried this with two different i2c OLED displays, and they both work.