At the Clean Air Eastbourne project we build Airrohr Luftdaten devices.
These use the SDS011 sensor. The official instructions suggest plugging dupont cables directly into the sensor, however we have found these tend to become loose and can be unreliable.
Our solution is to build our own cables.
We buy 7pin 2.54m 6S1P JST-XH cables from AliExpress. These come with wires already attached. We take out the red, black, and yellow wire by pressing down on the connector and gently pulling the wire out the back. This leaves us with the 4 wires we need in the correct slots.
Next we attach female dupont connectors with double housing to the other ends of the wires. One double connector goes on the blue / green pair, and another on the white / orange pair of wires. I used a PA-09 crimping tool from (affiliate link) to make the attachments.
When plugging into the NodeMCU the connections are
White – VU
Orange – Ground
Green – D2
Blue – D1